News & Events
QuantMig project book out now!

We are delighted to announce that the QuantMig book “From Uncertainty to Policy: A Guide to Migration Scenarios”, edited by Jakub Bijak, and summarising the key findin...
QuantMig Teaching Materials featured in OER Commons

The QuantMig Teaching Materials are now also featured on the Open Educational Resources: OER Commons platform. OER Commons is an open access public library of over 50,000 educational resou...
Three new QuantMig articles published in 2024

Throughout 2024, the QuantMig team has continued publishing academic articles from different areas of the project. In a paper "Exploring Migration Determinants: A Meta-Analysis of Migratio...
Virtual Event: QuantMig Book Launch, 18 December 2024, 16:00 CET (Video)

On the International Migrants Day 2024 (18 December), we are delighted to invite you to the virtual launch of the QuantMig book “From Uncertainty to Policy: A Guide to Migration Scenarios”<...
Three QuantMig outputs in the UN Migration Hub Repository of Practices

We are pleased to announce that three of the QuantMig project outputs have now been included in the Repository of Practices of the UN Migration Network Hub - a knowledge exchange platform a...
Population Europe delegation, featuring QuantMig members, meets with the EC Vice-President Dubravka Šuica

and the Population Europe delegation, including QuantMig members
Five new QuantMig articles published

In the last few months of 2023, the QuantMig team has published five research articles from all across the project. Two papers relate to the empirical basis of migration studies and scenarios. In "...
QuantMig research formally completed - but the work continues
We are delighted to say that following a successful project review in October 2023, the research work of QuantMig has been completed, and the project is now formally closed. The major research find...
An opinion piece in Economics Observatory by Jackline Wahba and Valentina Di Iasio

QuantMig members Valentina Di Iasio and Jackline Wahba have written a piece "Asylum seekers in Europe: where do p...
Estimates, Scenarios and Policies: Three new QuantMig online tools

The QuantMig team is delighted to launch three freely-accessible, open online tools prepared within the project:
The QuantMig Migration Estimates Explorer includes the ...
QuantMig Teaching Materials and Online Quiz

As a new school year begins, we are pleased to offer unique interdisciplinary teaching materials on Migration & Migration uncertainty, intended for secondary school / high school students and teach...
An opinion piece by Jackline Wahba and Valentina Di Iasio in The Conversation

QuantMig members Professor Jackie Wahba and Dr Valentina Di Iasio have written for The Conversation on the factors influencing asylum seekers’ destination choices. They look at dat...
White Paper on Migration Uncertainty: Towards Foresight and Preparedness

Population Europe have published a Discussion Paper No 19 entitled "White Paper on Migration Uncertainty: Towards Foresight and Preparedness" written by Jakub Bijak, Daniela Vono de Vilhen...
Final QuantMig project meeting, Lillehammer, 20-22 June 2023

Taking advantage of long Norwegian summer days, QuantMig team and advisory group members met in Lillehammer, Norway, on 20-22 June 2023, for the final project meeting, before the project formally f...
QuantMig Open Data deposits available on Zenodo

All non-confidential data outputs from QuantMig are now freely available for download from the Zenodo repository. The QuantMig Community on Zenodo currenly includes data, meta-data, softwar...
New article published in the European Economic Review

Our QuantMig colleagues and team members, Valentina Di Iasio and Jackline Wahba, have published an article in European Economic Review, on "Expecting Brexit and UK migration: Should I go?"...
QuantMig at the IMISCOE Conference, Warsaw, 3-6 July 2023

The QuantMig team was well represented at the 20th IMISCOE conference held in Warsaw on 3-6 July 2023. Professor Jackie Wahba took part in a semi-plenary panel discussion on "Inequalit...
QuantMig publish article in the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (JEMS)

The QuantMig team of Profesor Mathias Czaika, Professor Marta Bivand Erdal and Dr Cathrine Talleraas have published a...
Policy event "European migration and asylum scenarios for the future", Brussels, 23 May 2023

On 23 May 2023, the QuantMig team has held a policy event "European migration and asylum scenarios for the future", kindly hosted in Brussels by the UK Mission to the European Union. The event prov...
Dr Miguel Gonzalez-Leonardo receives prestigious award from the Centre for Demographic Studies, Spain

Our team member, Miguel González-Leonardo from the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, was granted the award for the best Ph.D. dissertation in Demography from the Aut...
Professor Jackie Wahba gives plenary talk at OECD 12th Annual International Conference

Professor Jack...
QuantMig at the European Trade Union Institute Expert Meeting

QuantMig Talks at the IMISCOE 2022 Conference

On 29 June - 1 July 2022, QuantMig project partner PRIO co-organised the the 19th Annua...
Attracting Skills and Talent to the EU: What should we focus on?

Population Europe's Tuesday Dialogue with Jakub Bijak

On 5 April 2022, Population Europe held its monthly online Tuesday Dialogue, organised together with the Einstein Center for Population Diversity in collaboration with Förderfonds Wissenschaft ...
High-Level Expert Meeting “Uncertainty in Migration Scenarios through Economic Perspectives”

On 27 January 2022, the QuantMig project organised the second High-Level Expert Meeting on “Uncertainty in Migration Scenarios through Economic Perspectives”, hosting a range of eminent pa...
QuantMig at the International Population Conference 2021

The QuantMig project had strong presence at the hybrid International Population Conference 2021 organised by the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP).
QuantMig Scenario Survey

The QuantMig Team are happy to announce that we are launching the QuantMig Survey. This online survey will help us unravel how migration flows between Europe and the Middle East and North Africa mi...
Tutorial for the Data Inventory

The attached YouTube video is a tutorial for the QuantMig Data Inventory.
The Migration Data Inventory is a formal deliverable of th...
Recording of the Webinar 'Taking Stock of the Migration Data in Europe'

This webinar is divided into two parts. In the first part, the QuantMig Data Inventory on stock and flow data on migration towards and within the EU is introduced -
Estimating international migration flows: Past, present and future

On Thursday, June 17 at 14:00 – 16:30 CET took place the online seminar “Estimating international migration flows: Past, present and future”. This event was co-organised by QuantMig in collaboratio...
Webinar: 'Translating Migration Theory into Empirical Propositions'

Migration studies are often described as both a fragmented and largely under-theorised research field. However, through the triangulation of various theoretical accounts and concepts, specif...
High-Level Expert Meeting “Migration Forecasting, Policy and Practice: Bridging the Uncertainty Gap”
To discuss a typology of migration uncertainty developed by Jakub Bijak and Mathias Czaika in QuantMig Deliverable 1.1 , and its policy implications, Population Europe o...
OBE for Professor Jackie Wahba

We are delighted to announced that QuantMig team member, Professor Jackie Wahba, has received th...
EMN 2020 Conference talks by Jakub Bijak and Mathias Czaika
On 29 September 2020, Jakub Bijak and Mathias Czaika took part as invited speakers in the 2020 National Conference of the European Migration Network, devoted to "Forecasting the Future of Global Mi...
Professor Marta Bivand Erdal Awarded ERC Starting Grant

We are delighted to announce that a QuantMig team member, Professor Marta Bivand Erdal...
The 2020 PAA Mindel C. Sheps Award for Professor Frans Willekens

We are delighted to announce that a QuantMig team member, Professor Frans Willekens (NIDI), h...
Kick-off meeting of the QuantMig project

The initial meeting of the Horizon 2020 project QuantMig: Quantifying Migration Scenarios for...
New Research Project: Quantifying Migration Scenarios for Better Policy (QuantMig)

A new Horizon 2020 project to shed light on the uncertainty and compl...
This work has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 870299 QuantMig: Quantifying Migration Scenarios for Better Policy. This document reflects the authors'view and the Research Executive Agency of the European Commission are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.