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Migration Drivers Data Inventory Records

This inventory includes metadata on various quantitative sources of information on migration drivers that can be used for modelling purposes. Additionally, the inventory includes information on articles that used those quantitative sources such as the statistical effect found in their analysis.

How to cite: Soto Nishimura A (2022) Migration Drivers Data Inventory Records, 2000-2019: Data Inventory. Online resource, available at

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Driver dimensionDriver factorSpecific driverDriver idVariableVariable perspectiveType of migrationVariable scale typeData aggregation levelData typeDataset nameData providerData sourceIso3YearCountry coverageAvailabilityUpdate statusArticle yearArticle nameLink to articlesDataset linkDocumentation linkNotesEffect
Driver dimensionDriver factorSpecific driverDriver idVariableVariable perspectiveType of migrationVariable scale typeData aggregation levelData typeDataset nameData providerData sourceIso3YearCountry coverageAvailabilityUpdate statusArticle yearArticle nameLink to articlesDataset linkDocumentation linkNotesEffectView
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DemographicPopulation dynamicsEducation of population/enrollment1T001EducationOriginInternationalNumericCountryAdministrativeHuman development reportUnited Nations development programBarro-Lee Educational Attainment Dataset; CEDLAS (Center for Distributive, Labor and Social Studies) ... more ...AFG;ALB;DZA;AND;AGO;ATG;ARG;ARM;AUS;AUT;AZE;BHS;BHR;BGD;BRB;BLR;BEL;BLZ;BEN;BTN;BOL;BIH;BWA;BRA;BRN; ... more ...1990;1991;1992;1993;1994;1995;1996;1997;1998;1999;2000;2001;2002;2003;2004;2005;2006;2007;2008;2009; ... more ...More than one hundredOpenUpdated2000Choi, J. G., Woods, R. H., & Murrmann, S. K. (2000