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Posted 2023-07-08 17:10:56 by Admin

QuantMig IMISCOE 2023 Session Opening Slide

The QuantMig team was well represented at the 20th IMISCOE conference held in Warsaw on 3-6 July 2023. Professor Jackie Wahba took part in a semi-plenary panel discussion on "Inequalities and migration – in search of the answers". The project also had a dedicated session on "Dealing with migration and asylum uncertainty across time horizons: Perspectives for policy support". The session included presentations on early warning modelling for asylum applications, by Emily Barker and Jakub Bijak, on long-term migration, population and labour force scenarios, by Michaela Potancokova and Miguel González-Leonardo, and on the uncertain migration governance, by Heidrun Bohnet, Mathias Czaika, and Federica Zardo. The discussant in the session was Marta Bivand Erdal, who - alongside Mathias Czaika, who chaired the session - also held many other roles during the conference. The conference provided a great opportunity to showcase the headline project results to the broader migration research community.




This work has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 870299 QuantMig: Quantifying Migration Scenarios for Better Policy. This document reflects the authors'view and the Research Executive Agency of the European Commission are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

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